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DOI: 10.15862/09SATS323 (https://doi.org/10.15862/09SATS323)
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For citation:
Svalova K.V. Improving the safety of pedestrian crossings based on the illumination degree assessment in the Central district of Chita city. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2023; 10(3). Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/09SATS323.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/09SATS323
Improving the safety of pedestrian crossings based on the illumination degree assessment in the Central district of Chita city
Kristina V. Svalova
Zabaikalsky State University, Chita, Russia
Corresponding author: Kristina V. Svalova, e-mail: kristi24091990s@yandex.ru
Abstract. The road accidents statistics proves that the main road accidents type in Russia is a collision with a pedestrian, the situation is similar in the Transbaikal Territory (44.9 %). In the darkness hours sharply increases the road traffic danger. Despite the fact that the intensity of traffic during this period is 5–10 times lower than in daylight hours, the road accidents share is 40–60 % of their total number. Therefore, the illumination degree assessment at unregulated pedestrian crossings for the subsequent recommendations development to improve its safety is an urgent problem today. For the first time we have conducted extensive instrumental research to measure the illumination level of different outdoor lighting devices types at pedestrian crossings in the Central District of the Chita city. Five streets and highways of the Chita’s Central District (Lenina St., Leningradskaya St., Butina St., Chkalova St., Babushkina St.) were studied. Measurements were carried out at 75 intersections and 450 points of illumination were measured. Measurements were carried out during 3 months of 2022. The experimental studies results on measuring the illumination degree at night on city streets are averaged and presented in tabular form. Obtained experimental data comparison with the normative values according to GOST R 55706-2013 is given. The rating of streets with division for non-dangerous with the received value over 20 lux, low-dangerous with the received value from 10 to 20 lux, dangerous with the received value more than 20 lux is made. The illumination level map of the street-road network of the central district of Chita city is constructed. Recommendations on improvement of pedestrian crossings safety for inhabitants of Chita city are given.
Keywords: pedestrian crossings safety; instrumental measurements; illumination level; city streets and highways; piezoelectric element; road hump; city illumination monitoring

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