Russian journal of transport engineering
2015, Volume 2, Issue 1
• Bykova N.M., Zainigabdinov D.A., Belyalov T.S. Criteria for controlling parameters of the electronic deformation monitoring in the transport tunnels
Identification number of article: 02TS115
• Ovchinnikov I.I., Ovchinnikov I.G., Valiev Sh.N., Zarudny A.I. Suitability evaluation of the used metal pipes in the capacity of pylons of a pedestrian bridge across the river Belaya. Part 1: Visual and instrumental inspection and
plotting of design diagram
Identification number of article: 03TS115
• Yushkov B.S., Tretyakova O.V. Methods of the transport tunnel protection from the frost heaving of soil based on the calculation of building structures
Identification number of article: 01TS115