Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2021, Vol. 8, No. 1. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/08SATS121 (

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For citation:

Bondarev B.A., Erofeev V.T., Bondarev A.B., Korneeva A.O., Gavrilov M.A., Rodin A.I., Erofeeva I.V. Bridges maintainability evaluation peculiarities as part of hydraulic structures. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2021; 7(4). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/08SATS121

Bridges maintainability evaluation peculiarities as part of hydraulic structures

1Boris A. Bondarev, 2Vladimir T. Erofeev, 1Alexandr B. Bondarev,
1Anastasia O. Korneeva, 3Mihail A. Gavrilov, 2Aleksandr I. Rodin, 2Irina V. Erofeeva

1Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia
2National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
3Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, Russia

Corresponding author: Boris A. Bondarev, e-mail:


Abstract. Introduction: the article is dedicated to assessing the condition with respect to use for traffic methods of bridges as part of hydraulic structures (dams, hydroelectric power stations, locks). The main factors affecting the structural element’s durability included in the composition of the hydraulic structures are dynamic loads (applied repeatedly and repeated) affecting the bay due to the hydrodynamic effect; temporary, moving loads from passing highway transportation, along the top of the structure (along the roadway); harmful chemical impurities contained in the water passing through the structure. Under the influence of the above-mentioned factors, defects and damage occur in the hydraulic facilities’ structural elements.

Methods: the authors assessed the actual state of the material of the operating structure. To assess structures and materials actual state during the bridge structure inspection work, the following instrumental measurements were performed on as-built structural elements: leveling the top of the sidewalks and the roadway; materials strength determination of the main supporting structures by nondestructive methods; thickness measuring the asphalt concrete pavement of the roadway; determination of the degree of carbonation of concrete; identification of defects in the elements of the bridge. The actual structure’s concrete strength was determined by nondestructive testing methods: (1) by the method of the elastic rebound;
(2) by the shock pulse monitoring method; (3) an indirect method of concrete strength ultrasonic testing based on the revealed relationship between the method of separation with shear test and methods – shock pulse and elastic rebound.

Results: technical condition and bridge safety indicators calculation as a hydraulic structure element was executed.

Discussion: technical examination results of the bridge structural elements and instrumental studies confirm the conclusion about the repair measures need with high-strength concretes and protective coatings based on polymer composite materials.

Final report: following the emergency scenarios a numerical estimate table for the quantitative and qualitative parameters list was made, parameters corresponding to a particular structure state. Thus, according to the scenario related to the 3rd accident group, the bridge technical condition is assessed as limited operable, and the safety level is reduced.

Keywords: bridges; durability; defects; roadway; hydraulic structures; beam span; concrete strength; loads

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