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DOI: 10.15862/01TS414 (https://doi.org/10.15862/01TS414)
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For citation:
Yushkov B.S., Sannikova O.A. [Design and development of the roadbed construction on the soft soils] Russian Journal of Transport Engineering, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 4. Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/01TS414.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/01TS414
Design and development of the roadbed construction on the soft soils
Yushkov Boris Semenovich
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia, Perm
E-mail: Zzverdvd@mail.ru
Sannikova Olga Andreevna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia, Perm
E-mail: sannikova-91@mail.ru
Abstract. Now the considerable part of territories is presented by soft soils. Construction of highways under difficult conditions, in places of the soft heaving soil distribution having an excessive moistening, low bearing capability, high compressibility and other unfavorable properties, significantly complicates and raises the price of road construction. Improvement of technology of highway construction serves as a solution of problem. In this article the authors propose the design of a roadbed on the soft clay soil, strengthened by a spatial geoweb. The experimental studies of four designs were conducted: the first one is research of the roadbed — soft clay soil mutual interaction; the second one is research of work of the geotextile material laid in the base of roadbed with the soft clay soil; the third one is research of work of the spatial geoweb laid in the base of roadbed with the soft clay soil; the fourth one is research of joint action of a spatial geoweb and the geotextile material laid in the base of a roadbed with soft clay soil. Based on the results of the carried-out laboratory tests it has been revealed that the design with strengthening by a spatial geoweb and geotextile material has a rational one of the roadbed.
Keywords: soil strengthening; geoweb; geotextile; soft clay soil; frost heaving; water-deposited soil; soil reinforcement

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