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DOI: 10.15862/15SATS120 (https://doi.org/10.15862/15SATS120)
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For citation:
Bulkov A.S., Baev M.A., Ovchinnikov I.G. Corrosion protection of reinforcing steel reinforced concrete structures of transport structures. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2020; 7(1). Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/15SATS120.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/15SATS120
Corrosion protection of reinforcing steel reinforced concrete structures of transport structures
Bulkov Alexander Sergeevich
Industrial university of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: alexanderbulkov@mail.ru
Baev Michail Alexeevich
Penza state university of architecture and construction, Penza, Russia
E-mail: Mikhail.baev@yit.ru
Ovchinnikov Igor Georgievich
Industrial university of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia
E-mail: bridgesar@mail.ru
Abstract. The influence of reinforcing steel corrosion on the durability of reinforced concrete structures of transport structures and the degree of knowledge of this problem is considered. It is specified that the protection of reinforcing steel from corrosion is not able to completely replace the correct design and use of high-strength concrete. But it is able to extend the life of reinforced concrete structures. It is noted that corrosion of the reinforcement leads to a decrease in the structural strength due to wear and tear and by a third of the period of operation of reinforced concrete structures, as a result of which transport structures collapse. As an example of the detrimental effect of corrosion of reinforcing steel on the durability of transport structures, examples of accidents of bridges and overpasses caused by this type of corrosion are given. As a result, a conclusion is drawn on the advisability of ensuring a sufficient level of corrosion protection of reinforcing steel to achieve the required durability of reinforced concrete structures of transport structures. The types and causes of corrosion processes in reinforcing steel reinforced concrete structures are described. The compositions and technologies of anticorrosive protection are examined and analyzed. Comparison of the compositions of anticorrosive protection of reinforced concrete structures is carried out according to the following criteria: consumption, density, viability, curing temperature and the number of components of the composition. A comparison of anti-corrosion protection technologies is carried out on the basis of the following indicators: line dimensions, productivity and consumption of energy resources. A comparison is also made of the cost of using various anti-corrosion protection technologies. Based on the data obtained, the advantages and disadvantages of the considered compositions and technologies of corrosion protection are determined. As a result, the most effective and technologically advanced method of corrosion protection of steel reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures of transport structures is selected.
Keywords: corrosion; reinforcement; anticorrosive protection; reinforced concrete; reinforced concrete structures; transport structures

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