2018, Vol. 5, No. 3. - go to content...
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DOI: 10.15862/11SATS318 (https://doi.org/10.15862/11SATS318)
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For citation:
Fedotov M.Yu., Loskutov M.L., Shelemba I.S., Kolesnikov A.V., Ovchinnikov I.G. To the issue of monitoring of metal-bearing bridges supporting fiber optic sensors. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2018; 5(3). Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/11SATS318.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/11SATS318
To the issue of monitoring of metal-bearing bridges supporting fiber optic sensors
Fedotov Mikhail Yurievich
LLC «LIRA Soft», Moscow, Russia
E-mail: fedotovmyu@gmail.com
Loskutov Maxim Leonidovich
Russian builders association, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: m.lloskutoff@gmail.com
Shelemba Ivan Sergeevich
Inversiya-Sensor LLC, Perm, Russia
E-mail: shelemba@i-sensor.ru
Kolesnikov Alexey Viktorovich
LLC «LIRA Soft», Moscow, Russia
E-mail: heallex@yandex.ru
Ovchinnikov Igor Georgievich
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia
Yuri Gagarin state technical university of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
E-mail: bridgesar@mail.ru
Abstract. This article describes results of studies on the monitoring of deformations of load-bearing metal structures of a span structure of a bridge using fiber-optic sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings before and after reinforcement by polymer composite materials. It is received, that as a result of strengthening the deflection of the bridge has decreased in 2 times. The results of the experimental studies were compared with the computational justification carried out in PC LIRA 10.8. As a result of experimental and theoretical studies it was confirmed that the installed reinforcement system using composite spigots can be effectively used to restore the bearing capacity of artificial structures.
Keywords: monitoring; fiber optic sensor; polymer composite material; strengthening; composite spigot; load-bearing metal structure; span structure of the bridge

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