Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2021, Vol. 8, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/08SATS321 (

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For citation:

Gerasimov D.V., Ignatev A.A., Gotovtsev V.M. Structured asphalt binder is a new binder type in asphalt concrete mixtures. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2021; 8(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/08SATS321

Structured asphalt binder is a new binder type in asphalt concrete mixtures

Denis V. Gerasimov, Aleksey A. Ignatev, Valery M. Gotovtsev

Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Corresponding author: Denis V. Gerasimov, e-mail:

Abstract. The data presented in the article are part of dissertation research on the formula development and production principle of composite material for road construction with phosphogypsum and secondary polyethyleneterephthalate use. The article provides an assessment of the existing most successful and effective technologies for creating asphalt concrete pavements with high technical performance characteristics, and the key role in formula is an asphalt binder on the binary system mineral powder/oil road bitumen basement, their main advantages and disadvantages are described. A new technological method for the asphalt concrete mixtures production is described — pelletization by rolling, which was proposed by the authors. The paper presents the study’s results to determine the structured asphalt binder technical and operational properties obtained by the method of pelletization by rolling. A brief theoretical substantiation of the physicochemical nature of improving a number of developed composition technical and operational characteristics of a structured asphalt binder is presented. The dynamics of over time changes in the main structured asphalt binder indicators, from 2005 to 2019, are given. It has been theoretically proven that in a structured asphalt binder obtained by the method of pelletization by rolling, bitumen is in a film state, and the bitumen interlayers thickness between the mineral powder particles is of the order of 100 nm, which makes it possible to classify the product as a nanomaterial and determines its special properties set. The data of independent and our own experimental studies are also presented, indicating the previously obtained theoretical justification correctness for increasing the strength indicators, improving the water saturation indicators, and the water resistance coefficient. The absence of negative changes in the main technical and operational properties dynamics for 14 years confirms the possibility of storing the mixture in a cold form outside a sealed package in an unheated room, which makes it possible to assert the possibility of preparing material for future use and transporting it over unlimited distances.

Keywords: asphalt concrete; bulk and film bitumen; pelletization by rolling; structuring; binder; mineral powder

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