Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2022, Vol. 9, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/06SATS322 (

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For citation:

Vasiliev A.I. Philosophy of bridge building. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2022; 9(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/06SATS322

Philosophy of bridge building

Alexander I. Vasiliev

Moscow Automobile and Road Engineering State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author: Alexander I. Vasiliev, e-mail:

Abstract. The author presents a philosophical interpretation of the contribution of bridge construction to the development of civilization.

Bridges have always been an important element of civilization, an instrument of human interaction with each other and with nature, an object of not only physical, but, above all, intellectual human activity. Therefore, their philosophical understanding, penetration into the logic and dialectics of the development of bridge construction is justified and necessary.

The following main factors determine the development of bridge construction: concept and criteria, requirements, competition, experience and information.

The concept of the projected bridge should take into account the categories of purpose, reliability, economy, traditions, the level of design achieved, personal preferences and experience of the designer.

The goal pursued by the construction of a specific bridge in a specific location is determined mainly by current needs, is formulated in the Terms of Reference and is regulated by the levels of consumer properties set in the norms.

At the same time, the criteria of strength and reliability must be observed throughout the entire life cycle. The level of reliability is provided by design standards.

The requirements for bridges should contain social, technical and humanitarian aspects. The economy is almost always, at least in our country, the main criterion when choosing a bridge option.

Competition is one of the main conditions for the development of nature and human society. There are three types of competition in the field of bridge construction: between different countries (competition of prestige), competition of scientific and design schools, competition in bidding.

Experience and information are important for the development of bridge construction. We are talking here about the collective experience of the bridge community.

An effective means of exchanging experience and ideas is technical literature, and above all, technical journals and collections, various bridge forums.

Keywords: aesthetics; bridge; bridge construction; competition; concept; criteria; designing; philosophy; requirements; standards

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