Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2018, Vol. 5, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/06SATS318 (

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For citation:

Mevlidinov Z.A., Levkovich T.I., Bilсko A.E. Ensuring the shear resistance of asphalt mixtures in the pavement of highways. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2018; 5(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/06SATS318

Ensuring the shear resistance of asphalt mixtures in the pavement of highways

Mevlidinov Zelgedin Alaudinovich
Bryansk state engineering-technological university, Bryansk, Russia

Levkovich Tatiana Ivanovna
Bryansk state engineering-technological university, Bryansk, Russia

Bilсko Anastasia Evgenievna
Bryansk state engineering-technological university, Bryansk, Russia
E-mail: bilс

Abstract. Studying the state of the issue on the shear resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures in the pavement, the authors reviewed the currently available technical reference literature. The state of the streets of the city of Bryansk and the highways of the Bryansk region by measuring the depth of the tracks and flows was also examined.

The asphalt concrete samples were tested in laboratory conditions taking into account the rate of deformation, temperature and stress-strain state using the device manufactured at the Department of «Highways» of the Bryansk state engineering and technological University. As additives in asphalt concrete mix introduced: rubber crumb from used car tyres, wheels automobiles, carbon black (powder form) and definiltely thermoplastics.

The conducted researches on samples of asphalt concrete mix with use of divinyl-styrene thermoplastics (DST) showed that at increase in the polymer content from 2 to 5 % there was some increase in durability of asphalt concrete on tension in 1,06…1,16 times at 0 °C (smaller value corresponds to the smaller number of DST). Compressive strength at a temperature of «plus» 50 °C increased by 1.04…1.08 times and the module of residual deformation at «plus» 50 °C increased by 1.18…1.23 times. In General, with an increase in the content of DST from 2 to 5 %, the shear resistance increased almost 1.27 times (with the introduction of 5 % DST over the mass of bitumen).

The conducted research allows to conclude that to reduce the impact of shear stresses in asphalt concrete mixtures it is necessary to introduce modifying additives, the properties of asphalt concrete depend on the presence of additives, as well as on the quality of the stone aggregate, bitumen and other materials. With the introduction of certain additives (DST, carbon black, rubber c hips), the shear resistance of asphalt concrete increases.

Keywords: roads; survey; asphalt concrete mixture; rut; SAG; appliance; temperature; test; shear resistance; additive; definiltely thermoplastic elastomer; carbon black; rubber crumb; strength.

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