Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2018, Vol. 5, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/05SATS318 (

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For citation:

Bazhanov A.P., Saksonova E.S., Kochetkov A.V., Shchegoleva N.V. Issues of technical regulation in the Penza agglomeration of the Federal project «Safe and qualitative roads». Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2018; 5(3). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/05SATS318

Issues of technical regulation in the Penza agglomeration of the Federal project «Safe and qualitative roads»

Bazhanov Anatoly Pavlovich
Penza state university of architecture and construction, Penza, Russia

Saksonova Elena Stepanovna
Penza state university of architecture and construction, Penza, Russia

Kochetkov Andrey Viktorovich
Perm national research polytechnical university, Perm, Russia

Shchegoleva Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Saratov state technical university of Gagarin Yu.A., Volgograd, Russia

Abstract. The article outlines the problems of implementing the program for the integrated development of the transport infrastructure of the Penza agglomeration aimed at bringing its street-road network into compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union of TR CU 014/2011 «Road Safety». The authors established the absence of a normative document regulating the attribution of the street-road network of the Penza agglomeration to the concept of «streets of settlements», which are not subject to the technical regulations of TR TS 014/2011, which is classified as non-compliance with its requirements. In order to overcome the current legal and regulatory situation, the authors justified the need to develop methodological recommendations that include terminology, new principles of technical regulation, a systematic analysis of methodological documents used in the Penza agglomeration and economically viable proposals to bring normative support for road activity on its territory in line with requirements ТР TC 014/2011, as well as the positive experience of applying the evidence base of this technical regulation The structure of the developed document is proposed, which provides for the use of terminology and classification concepts for the objects of the Penza agglomeration street network, which do not fall within the scope of TR TS 014/2011, the law enforcement analysis and the selection of conformity checking schemes that do not require the use of a certain list of works and requirements of the regulatory documents of the Federal Service for accreditation, the order of interaction between the testing laboratory or the center and the customer, the choice of voluntary certification systems that can Carrying out the system analysis of the current normative base for road construction of the Penza agglomeration will ensure effective effective use of international agreements of the Russian Federation and federal legislation in the field of technical regulation and conformity checking on the street network of the Penza agglomeration.

Keywords: transport infrastructure; priority project; technical regulations; «Streets of settlements»; guidelines; normative base; verification of compliance; international agreements

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