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DOI: 10.15862/05SATS120 (https://doi.org/10.15862/05SATS120)
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For citation:
Shesterikov Yu.A., Stifeeva O.A. Information systems and technologies for inspection of buildings and structures. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2020; 7(1). Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/05SATS120.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/05SATS120
Information systems and technologies for inspection of buildings and structures
Shesterikov Yuri Alekseevich
National research Moscow state university of civil engineering, Moscow, Russia
Research and education center for testing structures
E-mail: norb-89@mail.ru
Stifeeva Olga Alekseevna
National research Moscow state university of civil engineering, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: norb-89@mail.ru
Abstract. The article describes the features of usingо information systems and technologies for inspection of buildings and structures. The author notes that the main criterion for making decisions about the need for major repairs or the recognition of the building as an emergency is the category of technical condition of the building. To assess the category of technical condition of structures, conducting a survey of real construction objects, you need to take into account a number of possible reasons that lead to a change in the category of technical condition. Collecting informal information into the knowledge base is a strategically important and most difficult task in the development of ES. Sources of knowledge can be defined as an extensive base of practical and theoretical research in the framework of technical diagnostics of buildings and structures, regulatory documentation, a set of heuristic knowledge and reasoning of specialists.
The ability to automate the solution of tasks of expert activity in the framework of diagnostics of building structures in conditions of uncertainty should be sought in the field of artificial intelligence systems. Decisions are influenced by the objectivity and reliability of information provided by experts, but often such information is influenced by their subjective opinion. The use of information technology allows you to take into account the diversity of individual opinions. Among the advantages of using information technologies for building surveys is that the contractor can track data collection in the «field» conditions on the site; the productivity of work increases due to the fact that the time for collecting and subsequent processing of information is significantly reduced; the accuracy of monitoring a number of parameters (geometric, structural) increases and it becomes possible to automate the process of obtaining information about the object, as well as calculating and evaluating the strength characteristics of the studied building structures.
These technologies allow us to give a strict mathematical description of vague statements about the technical condition of the building at the moment.
Keywords: building structures; expert systems; information technologies; inspection; parameters; emergency condition; major repairs; expert

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