Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2016, Vol. 3, No. 1. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/03TS116 (

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For citation:

Bokarev S.A., Efimov S.V. [Study of track stability against transverse shear under action of horizontal load on the reinforced concrete spans with trip on the ballast] Russian Journal of Transport Engineering, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1. Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/03TS116

Study of track stability against transverse shear under action of horizontal load on the reinforced concrete spans with trip on the ballast

Bokarev Sergey Alexandrovich
Siberian Transport University, Russia, Novosibirsk

Efimov Stefan Vasilyevich
Siberian Transport University, Russia, Novosibirsk

Abstract. The article presents the main provisions on the content of the deck on the railway bridges with trip on the ballast according to the current normative documents, implementation of which provides the longitudinal and transverse track stability. It presents statistics of some deviations from the requirements of the bridge deck contents on the exploited reinforced-concrete spans of railway bridges. The authors of article have formulated the purpose and tasks of the pilot research of the longitudinal sides and carried out description of the test specimens, which were a plate fragment of ballast tank with the longitudinal sides, from the equipment used in the process of experiment. The results of laboratory tests of the longitudinal sides for the resistance of track to transverse shear are presented. According to the dependences received by the All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport, the calculated values of the track panel shear resistance were defined. In this article the authors gave a comparison of calculation results with the experimental data. They evaluated the effect of width of the ballast section shoulder on the total resistance of track to the transverse shear. Using the standard practice the specialists defined a limit longitudinal compression (critical) force in the rails, and also evaluated the effect of width of the ballast section shoulder on the value of limit longitudinal compression (critical) force, perceptible by the track panel.

Keywords: reinforced-concrete span; ballast section; shoulder of ballast section; laboratory tests of longitudinal sides; horizontal force; longitudinal side of ballast tank; plate fragment of ballast tank; stability of track panel; stability of continuous welded rail track against temperature overshoot; critical force

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