Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2018, Vol. 5, No. 4. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/02SATS418 (

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For citation:

Ovchinnikov I.I., Ovchinnikov I.G. Problems of training specialists in the field of transport construction and ways to solve them. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2018; 5(4). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/02SATS418

Problems of training specialists in the field of transport construction and ways to solve them

Ovchinnikov Ilya Igorevich
Yuri Gagarin state technical university of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
Tyumen industrial university, Tyumen, Russia

Ovchinnikov Igor Georgievich
Perm national research polytechnic university, Perm, Russia
Yuri Gagarin state technical university of Saratov, Saratov, Russia
Tyumen industrial university, Tyumen, Russia

Abstract. It is noted that not only university teachers, but also employees and managers of the industry began to pay attention to the problem of training specialists for the transport construction industry. As an epigraph, the words of S. Hoking and L. Mlodinov are cited that … at the present time the progress of science is so fast that at the school or university they always teach slightly outdated knowledge. Further in the article, new trends in the field of transport construction are considered, which led to new problems in this industry, and, most importantly, to problems in training personnel for the industry. It is noted that the design process has become better automated and the prospects for freelancing have opened. The essence of freelancing, its advantages and disadvantages for the freelancer and for the employer is revealed.

It is pointed out that the professional training of engineers in our time has become a competitive environment in which alternative projects, platforms, institutions assert themselves more confidently. And that in our time, in order to succeed in the profession of an engineer, students need to consider that no one will take care of them, except for themselves.

In the new conditions, the main function of a vocational school is to train a specialist for his profession, and not the desire to «teach to think» or «teach to learn», as is often claimed. Employers are usually not very interested in the reasons why the young job seeker does not match the vacancy, and therefore an effective educational system must be adjusted to the needs of the time. If a student cannot receive a service of the appropriate quality in one institution, then he must be able to quickly and effectively finish his studies (or re-learn) in another. This is the healthy competition in the market of educational services in the field of construction engineering.

Further in the article the state of the problem of preparation of qualified specialists – bridges is considered and four possible trajectories of obtaining of bridge education are noted.

The task of creating specialized base departments that would ensure the solution of educational, methodical, scientific, personnel tasks is considered. In conclusion, we briefly review the 12 qualities inherent in all engineers.

Keywords: transport construction; computer technology; freelance; training of engineers; bachelor’s degree; specialty; master’s program; trajectory of education

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