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DOI: 10.15862/01TS314 (https://doi.org/10.15862/01TS314)
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For citation:
Yushkov B.S., Tretyakova O.V. [Anisotropy effect of the clay soil masses on the stress-strain state of transport tunnels] Russian Journal of Transport Engineering, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 3. Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/01TS314.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/01TS314
Anisotropy effect of the clay soil masses on the stress-strain state of transport tunnels
Yushkov Boris Semenovich
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia, Perm
E-mail: Zzverdvd@mail.ru
Tretyakova Olga Viktorovna
«PZSP», Russia, Perm
E-mail: Olga_wsw@mail.ru
Abstract. The article considers the kinds of clay soil mass anisotropy in the form of the spatial heterogeneity of properties of thawed and frozen soils, ambiguity of the frost heaving values and shrinkage in different directions. The questions of anisotropy of the clay soil properties at the positive temperatures are reported. The dependence of the heterogeneity of the physical and mechanical properties of frozen soils from the cryogenic texture, natural arrangement, different types of stratification and interbedding is considered. Indexes of the strength and strain anisotropy are noted. The accounting possibilities of the basic numerical indexes of heaving phenomena from the standpoint of anisotropy of the properties and processes inherent in the freezing through soil are analyzed by substitution in the heaving strain formula. The unevenness of thawed soil shrinkage in vertical and horizontal directions is noted during the freezing of the top layer. The unevenness of shrinkage in different directions is connected with kind of stress and cryogenic texture. Anisotropy of the frost heaving process is considered in the context of one-dimensional and non-one-dimensional problem depending on the amount of the freezing fronts and their direction.
There is summarized the effect of anisotropy appearances on the stress-strain state of the transport tunnel. One can conclude that the resulting non-uniformity of heaving and shrinkage in conjunction with anisotropic properties of frozen soils, is a significant component in the complex of power factors determining the optimal design solution of a transport tunnel.
Keywords: ice formation; moisture migration; cryogenic texture; ice-cement; ice schliers; frost heaving; anisotropy; stress-strain state (SSS)

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