2016, Vol. 3, No. 1. - go to content...
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DOI: 10.15862/01TS116 (https://doi.org/10.15862/01TS116)
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For citation:
Bokarev S.A., Usoltsev A.M., Popova E.G., Shirokov U.M. [Features of forming work programs on the disciplines for preparation of bachelors and masters of the bridge profile. Part 5: Discipline «Corrosion and protection of transport facilities»] Russian Journal of Transport Engineering, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1. Available at: https://t-s.today/PDF/01TS116.pdf (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/01TS116
Features of forming work programs on the disciplines for preparation of bachelors and masters of the bridge profile. Part 5: Discipline «Corrosion and protection of transport facilities»
Ovchinnikov Ilya Igorevich
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Russia, Saratov
Moscow state automobile & Road technical university
Sochi branch, Russia, Sochi
E-mail: bridgeart@mail.ru
Ovchinnikov Igor Georgievich
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Russia, Penza
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Russia, Saratov
Perm national research polytechnic university, Russia, Perm
E-mail: bridgesar@mail.ru
Abstract. The article considers a problem of documents preparation on the various disciplines for teaching bachelors of «Constructional Engineering» direction with a profile «Bridges and transport tunnels» in the Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin in accordance with the requirements of our Ministry of Education and Science. To facilitate the lecturers’ work in other institutes of higher education, on the departments of bridge profile the authors make an example (slightly retrenched version) of a developed operating program on the discipline «Corrosion and protection of transport facilities». The use of the proposed material is intended for lecturers of other departments to facilitate development of the appropriate programs and guarantee of their certain uniformity. However we understand that the difference in preparation of operating programs can take place, and it is determined by the competence of academic offices and their managers.
Keywords: transport facilities; discipline; bridges; tunnels; baccalaureate; building; durability; corrosion; anticorrosion protection
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ISSN 2413-9807 (Online)
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