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Retraction policy
A retraction procedure is applied whenever the Editorial Board:
- receives evidence of the fraudulence of the published information as a result of either the Authors’ conscious actions or bona fide errors (e.g., non-intentional errors in calculations or experiments);
- receives evidence of multiple (duplicate) publications, i.e. when the same intellectual material is published more than once;
- receives evidence of the large amount of unauthorized borrowings (plagiarism);
- the article describes unethical research.
Retraction is aimed at correcting errors in publications and informing the readership about those papers comprising erroneous data. Data inaccuracy may result from good faith or deliberate misconduct.
Retraction is also used to warn readers about cases of duplicate publications (i.e. when Authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism and concealment of conflicts of interest that may affect the interpretation of the data or recommendations for their use.
Retraction is aimed at correcting published information and ensuring its integrity, rather than punishing the Authors for committed violations.
Retraction can be initiated either by Authors or Journal Editors.
The article publishing charge (APC) paid for the articles subject to retraction will not be returned.
Dear Authors! According to international publication standards, retraction does not imply deletion of the publication from the Journal website. We expect our authors to demonstrate responsible scientific behaviour.
Publication date: 11th August 2019