Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2016, Vol. 3, No. 2. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/07TS216 (

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For citation:

Rekunov S.S. [Assessment of reliability and recovery of the bridgework functional performances] Russian Journal of Transport Engineering, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/07TS216

Assessment of reliability and recovery of the bridgework functional performances

Rekunov Sergey Sergeevich
Volgograd state university of architecture and civil engineering, Russia, Volgograd

Abstract. Today quite a number of properties with the finished statutory service life stays operational. The economic costs of the repair and reconstruction works of buildings and structures with signs of depreciation often exceed the costs of new construction. However, due to the various features (complexities of erecting new bridge abutments and piers, impossibility of stopping production process of industrial facilities, building density of the civil construction projects, preservation of cultural heritage, etc.) in most cases a decision is given in favor of the recovery of serviceability by way of capital repair or reconstruction.

The article discusses the modern approaches to assessing the residual life of buildings and structures of the various functional accessory, as well as the methods of recovery of their performances. It also presents the main stages of the expert evaluation of the engineering status of the basic structural elements of bridgework operating with signs of destruction.

The author offers proposals on reliability evaluation of the operated bridgeworks and calculation of the probability of structure non-failure. He provides the most common causes of appearance of the bridgework defects. The author also proposes the standard actives for recovery of the bridgework functional performances.

Keywords: engineering structures; bridgeworks; reliability; risk; operation; technical assessment; defect; residual life; structural design; probability of failure; reconstruction

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