Russian Journal of Transport Engineering
Russian journal of transport engineering

2018, Vol. 5, No. 4. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/07SATS418 (

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For citation:

Erofeev V.T., Al-Dulaimi Salman Dawood Salman, Smirnov V.F. Bacteria for self-healing concretes. Russian Journal of Transport Engineering. 2018; 5(4). Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/07SATS418

Bacteria for self-healing concretes

Erofeev Vladimir Trofimovich
National research Ogarev Mordovia state university, Saransk, Russia
Research institute of materials science, Moscow, Russia

Al-Dulaimi Salman Dawood Salman
National research Ogarev Mordovia state university, Saransk, Russia

Smirnov Vacili Filippovich
National research Nizhny Novgorod state university named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Abstract. Self-healing concrete is a product in which, with the help of microorganisms, limestone will be produced to fill cracks appearing on the surface of concrete structures. The author presents that specially selected types of bacteria of the genus Bacillus, a calcium-based nutrient known as calcium lactate, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus, are added to the ingredients of concrete when mixing it. These self-healing agents can be at rest inside the concrete for up to 200 years. Self-healing materials are a special type of materials that regenerate their strength properties after minor destruction caused to the material during its service life. Self-healing technology is particularly useful in the case of composite materials, as composites have low damage detection capacity and are susceptible to sudden and brittle fracture. Modern artificial materials have excellent mechanical properties. However, they lack the ability to self-repair. Therefore, in case of damage, there is a possibility of loss of mechanical strength, and over time, a gradual loss of functional strength in the absence of human intervention.
Different types of bacteria, along with abiotic factors such as mineralization, pH value of the surrounding area, temperature, availability of nutrients and habitat composition, play a significant role in the deposition of calcium carbonate in a wide range of different media. There are four key factors that determine the MICP process: (i) calcium concentration, (ii) dissolved inorganic carbon concentration, (iii) pH value and (iv) presence of nucleation centers.

Keywords: biomethane; biochemotherapy; bacteria; S. рasteurii; Bacillus pasteurii; concentration; supplements

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